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7. Eljas Oksanen, "Institutional support and recognition", University of Helsinki

  • Sciences sociales
  • 2025
  • 07 min 29 s
  • Anglais

Publié le 18/09/2023

In the case of complex and resource-intensive initiatives like citizen science projects, institutional support plays a vital role. This section focuses on researchers discussing the ways in which their respective institutions provided backing for their projects. It also explores the issue of recognizing the value of citizen science projects and the impact they have had on researchers' career trajectories. Additionally, the section offers insights into how European universities, as well as universities in general, can assist researchers in effectively engaging with citizens and fostering their participation.

Eljas Oksanen
  • citizen science
  • science participative
  • cultural heritage
  • patrimoine culturel
  • archaeology
  • university of helsinki

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